Made in the Shade - AIRCandide
Mini residence, Made in the shade, Amstelglorie Amsterdam, 2020
Exhibition, AIRCandide, Amstelglorie Amsterdam, 2021.
During our working period in the garden in 2020 there was a heat wave and at the same time it was very windy. We had to create shady spots to avoid overheating, and meanwhile the wind was blowing all our cut-out pieces of drawing around. We had to find a way to work within these circumstances, although the idea of constant change, growth and decomposition plays an important role in our work, it was also a bit frustrating that we could not control the weather and wind, and because of that we had to adapt our way of working on the location.
We observe in our daily lives that all things tend to decay into chaos and you have to put energy into it to get things in order again. Especially in a garden you see these processes of growth, transformation and decay as a cyclus, recurring every year. Only by ordering and putting new energy into things, a new state of balance can arise. We see this cyclical process from chaos to order to chaos in the making of our work, as well as in a garden.